Social Security Considerations in Estate Planning
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This is a recorded NAEPC seminar we will be streaming to our members via Zoom.
Description: This session considers integrating Social Security retirement benefits into estate planning. Even with the high net worth client, this benefit is an important planning tool because of tax affects and longevity considerations. We will address issues such as how the system’s underfunding factors into projecting benefits, how to avoid the Social Security tax torpedo, retirement income bridging techniques that help defer and maximize retirement benefits, and coordinating OASDI payments with retirement drawdowns. Practical considerations are also included, such as how to help the client file for the benefit, using the benefit to pay for Medicare, and what to do about Social Security at death.
Continuing education credits: We will provide a continuing education certificate, and it is the responsibility of the attendee to determine whether their state, discipline, or designation will allow one to self-file for a distance-learning program. Because it is pre-recorded, we aren’t able to apply for CE credits for the seminar.